How to add and remove liquidity?

Adding Liquidity

  1. Select the Vault you would like to particpate.

  2. Click Buy Token, and make sure you have 50% of each token you would like to stake into the vault. For single Token Vaults, you only need to have the tokens you wish to stake.

  3. After obtaining the Tokens you wish to Stake, you will need to create Liquidity Pool tokens to the amount you wish to stake. You can do this by clicking Add Liquidity.

  4. Once these Liquidity Pool tokens have been created and obtained, select approve if you haven't already. A pop up of you attached wallet will appear, asking you to approve the association between your wallet and the platform. You will see the balance of your Liqudity Pool Tokens above box to enter the amount you wish to contribute.

  5. Type in the amount, or use the slider for the amout your staking, and his deposit.

You are now in!!!

Removing Liquidity

  1. Go to the vault you wish to remove liquidty from.

  2. Input the amount or use the slider to nominate the amount you would like to withdraw. You may need to click the approve button prior if you have not done so in the past.

  3. You will receive Liquidity Pool Tokens in the vault that you have withdrawn from. This is actual tokens that represents assets you have contributed. You can break it down into individual Tokens that you used to create the Liquidity Pool tokens when depositing. Go to the Add liquidity button to do so. You will see your Liqiduity Pool Tokens, click on it, and hit remove. You will now be presented with indvidual Tokens, which you can sell or swap and store.

And that's it!!!!!

Last updated